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Healthy Start Network offers translated downloads of its resources like leaflets, posters, stickers and national recommendations to support German health professionals working with migrants and refugees, and to illustrate its work internationally.

Breastfeeding and the promotion of breastfeeding (curriculum, PDF)
Stillen und Stillförderung – Curriculum zur Basisfortbildung

BBF: Policy Brief / Summary (PDF)
Faktenblatt zum Forschungsvorhaben Becoming Breastfeeding Friendly (BBF)

BBF: Recommendations (PDF)
Empfehlungen zur Stillförderung in Deutschland aus dem Forschungsvorhaben Becoming Breastfeeding Friendly (BBF)

als hilfreich bewerten 0 Versenden


To present and explain the German recommendations, we've created these presentations aimed at health professionals.

Diet and exercise for infants and breastfeeding mothers (PDF)

Diet and exercise for children aged 1-3 (PDF) currently under revision

Healthy Start Network

Promoting healthy lifestyles in pregnant women and young families

Papierfamilie in Hand

The German-wide network "Healthy Start Network" (Netzwerk Gesund ins Leben) is a constructive and continuous collaboration between all those with close contact to pregnant women and parents with infants or toddlers. The aim is to help create healthy family lives and support parents by providing them with uniform information on nutrition, physical activity and allergy prevention.
